Help support our mission to provide quality developmentally appropriate childcare and education in a safe, faith-filled environment. 


Little Lambs Learning Center | 550 25 1/2 Rd. Ste. B, Grand Junction, CO  81505 |  970-242-9665




During the day infants will experience:

•Teachers talking to them and interacting during feeding, diaper changing, reading and playtime.

•Age appropriate toys that help stimulate sensory awareness as well as large and fine motor development.

• Rides in the buggy around the neighborhood and outside playtime as weather permits. This promotes visual stimulation as we see colors, shapes and textures.

• Learning to grasp and manipulate toys, vocalize sounds, recognize familiar objects and enjoy books.

• Music, songs and finger plays to introduce auditory stimulation.

•Introduction to art- we use cute little hands and feet to make cute little art projects.

•Teachers who enjoy loving and caring for them.


infant swingInfant Room

   Our infant room is a place to learn, grow, play and be loved. Special care is taken to provide a warm interactive environment for your infants. Our teachers work with each parent and infant to facilitate a smooth transition into our room. As part of this process, teachers fill out daily sheets. Here, they record what and how much your child ate, when and how long they slept, when their diapers were changed as well as what they did and how they did during the day, so you can know the specifics of your child’s day.

   Our goal is to develop a trusting relationship where we respond to each parent and child's individual needs. We build a bond with your infant that will help them feel safe, secure and loved. Your infant's health, happiness and well being are our primary responsibility.


Little Lambs Learning Center | 550 25 1/2 Rd. Ste. B, Grand Junction, CO  81505 |  970-242-9665

 Tots 1 Room Goals    

Children Will:

•Develop trusting bonds with teachers and other children.

   •Begin to use a spoon.

   •Learn new words.

   •Begin to verbalize what they need, either with baby sign language, motions, or simple words. Ex- All done or more.

   •Respond to simple directions- Ex- Come here or get down.

   •Learn routines- Ex- Laying on their mats after lunch for nap times

•Learn how to share.





In the Tots 1 Room little legs wobble and bobble as children grow in their walking abilities. Children come into this room when they are one year old, independently walking and ready move up to our room. As they become more comfortable with walking, they can then begin to explore climbing and crawling on our climber built especially for little legs.


Classroom Activities

We explore painting, coloring and other art projects. We also give children rides in our buggy and explore outside materials. One of their favorite activities is to sing songs and dance. Our room provides a routine schedule that always includes washing/diapering, age appropriate learning activities, gross motor play and fun!   Routines help children to know what to expect and helps them know what to do next.


Little Lambs Learning Center | 550 25 1/2 Rd. Ste. B, Grand Junction, CO  81505 |  970-242-9665


Tots 2

In our room we strive to provide a comprehensive program that promotes spiritual, physical, emotional, creative and cognitive growth and development.  Our goals in the older toddler room are to help children separate and transition easily, fostering a sense of security by creating a warm, nurturing and inviting environment.  Emphasis is placed on social interaction, age appropriate activities and themes that are fun and stimulating.  The children learn to identify letters, numbers, colors and shapes

They develop their fine motor skills with crayons, paints, puzzles, blocks and various art activities.  Value is placed on a daily positive experience.  Our schedule is flexible while maintaining general classroom routines.


Classroom Activities

Art- Coloring, painting and making crafts.            Water play- During warm weather, we do water activities outside.  We splash and play.
Large motor activities outside and a climber inside for large motor activities.    Centers include reading, pretend play, blocks, cars and a cozy area to relax in.


Tots 2 GOALS

children will::

   •Drink out of a cup without spilling.

   •Listen to and follow simple directions.

   •Cooperate with friends and teachers.

   •Begin playing with friends during free play.

   •Demonstrate an expanding vocabulary.

   •Speak in at least 3-4 word sentences.

   •Respond to open-ended questions.

   •Begin to recognize shapes and colors.

   •Begin to identify classmates by name.

   •Begin to hold a marker, crayon, paintbrush correctly.

   •Begin to play with manipulatives (Ex- blocks and puzzles) correctly.

   •Begin to identify common animals and the sounds they make.

   •Begin to use manners such as please, thank you and excuse me when appropriate.

   •Begin to potty train, eventually wearing underwear by the time they transition into the preschool room.


Little Lambs Learning Center | 550 25 1/2 Rd. Ste. B, Grand Junction, CO  81505| 970-242-9665



 •Count from 1-10.

 •Recognize simple shapes (circle, triangle, square, rectangle)

 •Recognize basic colors- blue, red, yellow, green.

 •Recognize and correctly say first name.

 •Be independent in dressing and undressing themselves (shoes, clothes, jackets).

 •Successfully use the bathroom by themselves.

 •Use words to express themselves.

 •Learn skills such as: holding a pencil correctly and cutting with scissors correctly.

 •Cooperatively share and play with other children.

 •Recognize choices and consequences.

 •Begin to recognize some letters and know the first letter of their name.  

 •Actively engage in large and small group activities.





Circle Time

Daily circle time includes songs, classroom rules, calendar, weather, letter of the week and bible verse.


Weekly lesson plans include activities in the areas of Language and Literacy, Math, Science, Music, Art, Social Skills, Manipulatives and Fine and Gross Motor Skills.


Tuesdays, when elementary school is in session, we walk to the elementary school next door for music and story time. The kids get to hear a story as well as sing songs and listen to the piano.

Field Trips

When the weather is warm we go on walking field trips. Sometimes we may go to the park, around the block or down the street to watch a softball game.


We explore different art materials such as paint, chalk, markers, and crayons.